Variance 12-01 Richardson Village Shopping Center: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a variance from Article III, Section 21-46(b), Lots and Blocks, of Chapter 21 of the City of Richardson Code or Ordinances to create a lot without frontage on a dedicated public street. The property is located north of Belt Line Road, on the east side of Plano Road. Applicant: Sarah Williamson. Staff: Israel Roberts.
Zoning File 12-01: Consider and take necessary action on a request by James Poen, representing Richardson Saw and Lawnmower for approval of major modifications of the West Spring Valley PD Planned Development Standards related to improvements to an existing non-conforming 7,933 square foot building and related site improvements for property located at 804 S. Central Expressway. The property is currently zoned PD Planned Development. Applicant: James Poen. Staff: Chris Shacklett.
Variance 12-01 Richardson Village Shopping Center: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a variance from Article III, Section 21-46(b), Lots and Blocks, of Chapter 21 of the City of Richardson Code or Ordinances to create a lot without frontage on a dedicated public street. The property is located north of Belt Line Road, on the east side of Plano Road. Applicant: Sarah Williamson. Staff: Israel Roberts.
Zoning File 12-01: Consider and take necessary action on a request by James Poen, representing Richardson Saw and Lawnmower for approval of major modifications of the West Spring Valley PD Planned Development Standards related to improvements to an existing non-conforming 7,933 square foot building and related site improvements for property located at 804 S. Central Expressway. The property is currently zoned PD Planned Development. Applicant: James Poen. Staff: Chris Shacklett.