Zoning File 21-22 – Special Permit Amendment – Canyon Creek Daycare: Consider and act on a request to amend a Special Permit for a 7.02-acre lot located at the northeast corner of Custer Parkway and Pleasant Valley Lane related to an increase in the allowable area and the maximum number of children allowed for a childcare center located within an existing church facility. Owner: Renee Whiting, Texas Conference Assoc. of Seventh Day Adventists. Staff: Daniel Harper.
Zoning File 21-22 – Special Permit Amendment – Canyon Creek Daycare: Consider and act on a request to amend a Special Permit for a 7.02-acre lot located at the northeast corner of Custer Parkway and Pleasant Valley Lane related to an increase in the allowable area and the maximum number of children allowed for a childcare center located within an existing church facility. Owner: Renee Whiting, Texas Conference Assoc. of Seventh Day Adventists. Staff: Daniel Harper.